Leadership and Main

Bettering Others and the World You Live In

The Intersections Ahead

The intersections ahead will define our life and leadership. Too often, the rear-view mirror distracts us from all that the windshield has to offer in this world. Learning from our experiences is an extremely valuable tool, but can also leave us stuck at an intersection in life. The windshield offers all the excitement, potential, and […]

Sometimes You Are The Cow

Sometimes you are the cow. Bear with me… There is a great story I heard from speaker and author Kevin Paul Scott about A Cow and a Buffalo. Basically, the story goes that a cow and buffalo both have the instinctive ability to detect an approaching storm. What they do in reaction to those instincts […]

Mean and Nasty People

There are mean and nasty people in this world. These individuals are impatient, harsh, rude, and cruel. Their objective is to impart their misery on everyone they come in contact with. The Big Game Let me set the stage for you. It’s late on a Saturday night, a trip to the championship game is on […]

Redirect Journeys

There are people and moments in life that redirect journeys.  Good, bad, or indifferent the person or the experience meets you at a critical intersection of your life.  I call these people and moments Interceders…someone or something that has redirected our journeys.      Intersections I operate in the world of government for a career.  Roads […]

The Whole Staircase

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. famously said, “Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” As humans, we tend to want to know what awaits us at the end of a long, dark staircase. The unknown of what awaits us creates uncertainty in our worlds’ leading to impatience and […]

Earning Our Wings

Earning our wings in leadership has one fundamental requirement, to serve others well. Each of us have had the awesome responsibility of leading people bestowed upon us. We have been entrusted to be the person that gets them where they need to go. My favorite movie of all time is It’s a Wonderful Life. I […]

Gratitude List

Every Leader should have a gratitude list, comprising of the people and things we are grateful for. One of the key differentiators between ordinary and extraordinary leaders is gratitude. GREAT leaders are GRATEful. In Last week’s post (Giving Away of Oneself) , we talked about the giving part of Thanksgiving. This week we dive into […]

Giving Away of Oneself

Giving away of oneself is what great leaders do. Leadership is about bettering others and the world we live in. In order to lead well, giving away of oneself is a necessary function. Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching. The season makes me think of two things, one is gratitude, the other is giving. Today, we settle […]

Clarity Above the Fog

There is always clarity above the fog. In the world of meteorology, fog is a collection of dense water particles that accumulates near the ground. The word fog can also be associated with a state of mind, one that leads to confusion and disorientation. Either way you look at it, fog makes it difficult to […]

No Rain, No Flowers

Where there is no rain, no flowers grow, pretty simple.  Water is a necessary nutrient for any plant to grow.  When it comes to certain varieties of plants, their flower sets them apart. My family and I are at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida this week.  Sometimes, I will head into writing days with no […]