Leadership and Main

Bettering Others and the World You Live In

Playing the Long Game

Playing the long game is a good leadership strategy. My entire adult life has been spent coaching youth sports. Over those twenty-two years, I have learned that it’s not about winning early, it’s about winning later. I coach my son Grant’s 12U recreation baseball team.  We just wrapped up our spring baseball season this past […]

Burdened By Others

Great leaders are burdened by others. At first glance, that appears negative, but in fact it is positive. When it comes to people, great leaders have a sixth sense for others. They have an innate ability to read people, produce gut feelings, and just plain “get it” when it comes to people. Here is the […]

How Great Coaches Win

Want to know how great coaches win? Styles vary, but they all have several things in common.  Key factors that separate good coaches and great ones.    One thing has been consistent in my thirty-nine years of existence on planet earth, sports. Either as a player or a coach, sports has always been a part […]

Emergency Hugs

Emergency hugs can change the world. I remember it like it was just yesterday. It was a brisk, fall evening in 2019 when the concept of emergency hugs came into existence. We were wrapping up football practice with conditioning as we usually did. As a result of their inability to follow instructions set forth by […]

How We Wait Matters

How we wait matters.  Waiting is inevitable in our worlds. It may be for your future spouse, your first child, a position, test results, or anything in between.  One of the most problematic things for us as human beings is that we are not wired to wait.  One thing that Shannon and I strive to […]