Leadership and Main

Bettering Others and the World You Live In

All Out of Legends

What would the world look like if we were, “All out of legends?”  The day when the good guys grow tired and weary.  When those who sacrificed so much for others finally fade into the sunset.  All Out of Legends I often keep notes on my phone of potential blog topics.  It’s a list of random things that are my go-to on a night I can’t conjure up a topic.  In scrolling through the list, I found this gem. This particular note was thumbed in while watching an episode of Yellowstone.  Rip, who is one of the main characters in the series, visits a real-life cowboy named Billy

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Restrained by Many Little Things

Leaders can often find ourselves restrained by many little things. A lot of little stuff that keeps us busy, but not productive. Those things that can hold us captive from what could be. Restrained by Many Little Things While on my morning walk the other day, I was listening to a podcast that referenced Gulliver’s Travels.  If you haven’t read it or watched the movie, here is the synopsis.  Lemuel Gulliver goes on four voyages that each have their own special adventures.  The first thing I pictured when I heard Gulliver’s Travels was a scene from one of those voyages.  He found himself shipwrecked on the island of

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Hearing Noises

Hearing noises is one of the greatest challenges a leader faces.  Everywhere we turn, there they are, front and center. Noises that enter through our ears and penetrate our hearts and minds.  Mountain Noise Grant and I spent the weekend in a family cabin in Ellijay, Georgia.  Ellijay is nestled in the North Georgia Mountains.  He wrestled in a tournament in Jasper, Georgia Friday and Saturday night.  The site of the tournament was almost an hour away from our house, the cabin is only about twenty minutes away.  It offered him an opportunity for a few extra minutes of needed rest overnight. It offered me a respite from

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Articulating a Vision

Articulating a vision is an art.  One that requires a unique ability to see further than others can.  A superpower gifted to few, but followed by many.  Articulating a Vision  On Monday, we celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr.  There is no better example of a leader casting vision of what could be and should be than in his historic I Have a Dream Speech. Dr. King saw something no one else could from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial that day.  There were people that HEARD the speech who desired to see a day in which “Little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands

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The Great Differentiator

Willingness is the great differentiator between ordinary and extraordinary leaders.  Whenever I get the opportunity to speak on the topic of leadership, I share this definition: “Leadership is the ability and willingness to better others and the world we live in.” There are two key words in this definition…ability and willingness.  Each and every person possesses the ability to be an extraordinary leader.  The question is do we have the willingness? The Willing I get the honor of serving my hometown of Acworth, Georgia as City Manager.  In that role, I have the awesome responsibility to oversee the daily operations of our city.  With that responsibility comes the

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How Do I Grow

How do I grow?  A question that plagues every leader.  No matter the person, personal and professional growth is an important piece of the puzzle.  As the new year is upon us, our eyes turn to what is to come.  We dream of the next steps in our lives that lead to us towards accomplishing our big audacious leadership goals.       Paw Paw    While the turn of the page into the new year is always exciting, it’s also cold!  Winter is gloomy and at times lacks life.  Not much grows in cold weather.  I much prefer Spring and everything that comes with warmer temperatures.  One of my

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Silent Sacrificers

This world is built on the backs of silent sacrificers.  I was scrolling through some reels on Instagram this weekend when I heard those two words strung together for the first time…silent and sacrifice.  It resonated deeply with me.  I don’t recall much about the reel other than those two words being entangled together in significant meaning. Silent sacrificers are the people who prefer to work behind the curtain rather than operate in the limelight.  Those who serve selflessly amongst the selfish for a cause greater than oneself.  Their sacrifice is grounded in the mere betterment of others.  These people are everyday superheroes disguised as parents, grandparents, brothers/sisters,

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Early Believers

Early believers are critical to the start of every leader’s journey.  They were our Initial Investors who made the deposits of belief in us expecting a high rate of return.  Believers that saw more in us than we saw in ourselves at the time.  It was their belief that served as the spark that ignited our fire. Belief Belief is a big deal this time of year.  In my faith, Christians rest our total belief in the fact that our savior was born on Christmas Day.  A few days later, the Jewish people will celebrate their belief behind a miracle of a candle that was supposed to only

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Prescriptive Treatment

Prescriptive treatments are specifically designed for the recipient.  It’s customized to fit the unique needs of every individual.  It rejects the thought that each person is the same as every other.  Prescriptive Treatment This past weekend, Grant’s team wrestled in a tournament in Mountain Brook, Alabama.  There were 21 teams in the tournament, which provided a lot of action and busyness.    Even amongst the chaos, there were the occasional moments of waiting.  Those moments present great opportunities for good conversation with parents, wrestlers, and coaches. One of those conversations took place with Grant’s Coach.  We got on the subject of the different approaches to coaching kids.  There are

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What Is Your Superpower?

What is your superpower?  At some point in our lives, we have been enamored with a fictious hero that possesses a superpower.  A unique tool only they can deploy that sets them apart.  It has the potential to save the world.      What Is Your Superpower? A few weeks ago, our Mayor and I were meeting with one of our local principals.  Both the principal and I are products of our community and the school system she now plays a key role in administering. She was recently appointed as the principal of her school and as customary, as best practice we like to facilitate a meeting between the

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