Leadership and Main

Bettering Others and the World You Live In

Chasing Paper in the Wind

Have you ever caught yourself chasing paper in the wind?  In a weird way, it is a fear of mine.  Let me explain…  Here is the scenario.  Join me in imagining that you are getting back in your vehicle after doing your grocery shopping.  It’s the day before a big holiday, you name it, the […]

The Recipe for Community

The recipe for community starts with one key ingredient…its people.  Without that ingredient, the recipe just doesn’t work. The end product is bland, lacking in flavor. A community is simply a group of people that exist together. In an ideal community, everyone in a leadership position desires to better others and the world they live […]

Clarity Above the Fog

There is always clarity above the fog. In the world of meteorology, fog is a collection of dense water particles that accumulates near the ground. The word fog can also be associated with a state of mind, one that leads to confusion and disorientation. Either way you look at it, fog makes it difficult to […]

Unlikeliest of Friendships

We can develop the unlikeliest of friendships in our lives.  These are people that intercede our journeys.  We connect with them, not because of our similarities, but mostly our differences.  A unique arrangement that can develop the strongest of bonds.       My friend Shirley passed away almost a year ago today at the age of […]

Playing Catch

Playing catch can tell us more about leadership than one could ever imagine. There really isn’t anything in sports like a good old-fashioned game of catch. I have had the opportunity to experience the process as a player, coach, and now a father. Out of the three, the position of father is by far the […]

If I Disappeared Tomorrow

If I disappeared tomorrow, would anyone notice?  Pretty deep question, right? This is the most important question you can ask yourself to measure your essentialness as a leader.  Actually, probably as a human being.  It may seem like oversimplification, but it is such a critically important one. This is a question that should burden us […]

Unconditional Service

Unconditional service is the mark of a great leader. According to Webster’s Dictionary the word unconditional is defined as, “not conditional or limited.” Therefore, the concept of unconditional service comes with no strings attached.  Nothing is expected in return. Serving others who can do nothing at all for you in return is the ultimate form […]

Breakfast, Lunch, and Coffee

Great leaders invest in breakfast, lunch, and coffee with others.  These three meeting opportunities are a minimal financial investment with a high potential for rate of return.    What if I told you that for $20 you could spend one hour with someone who has walked through the season of struggle you are currently in […]

Upward Feedback Is Critical

Upward feedback is critical to a leader’s growth trajectory.  It is an angle of feedback that is rare.  This form of evaluation comes from an important vantage point.  The most valuable resource you have.  The people you lead.  In my professional world here in Acworth, Georgia; I have the opportunity to serve as our community’s […]


Confession time. I typically try to use one or two word titles. I really struggled with the title of this post. I feared that if I called it what it was, people would pass it right on by and never give it a second look. I would have completely understood too. We are all tired […]