Leadership and Main

Bettering Others and the World You Live In

Paw Paw

Spring officially arrived on Saturday here in Georgia.  This time of year reminds me of two things, gardening and my grandfather.  We called him Paw Paw.  April will have been ten years since he passed.  It does not seem like it though.  He played a big role in my life, so this post is dedicated […]

The Road Ahead

The destination of our life’s work lies down the road ahead.    While the journey of life and leadership can be congested with busyness, the remainder of our journeys are paved with opportunity.  We have plenty of good work to do before it is all said and done.       The Road Ahead One of the most […]

Tearing It Down

Tearing it down is easier than building things up.  The process of tearing things down requires demolition, destruction, and ultimate disposal into a barren wasteland.  Building things up requires patience, planning, and execution.  The Tree House This past weekend we tore down the tree house I built for the kids about twelve years ago.  It […]

The Land

The land is where I have learned much about life and leadership.  It has helped shape and mold me into the person that I am today.  It is a special place.  The Land In 1996, my grandparents bought nine and a half acres in Canton, Georgia.  The property is divided by a creek that runs […]

ReMarkable Pursuit

Being a leader requires a remarkable pursuit of three things:  content, wisdom, and people.  The journey to being a great leader demands that we relentlessly and consistently pursue these three things. This past Wednesday, I had a conversation with a friend and fellow leadership blogger Brian Dodd.  We were in casual conversation prior to the […]

The Benefits of Being Stubborn

Are there actual benefits of being stubborn? I could be biased on the topic, but I think being stubborn can be an undervalued quality of a leader. For far too long stubbornness has been portrayed as a negative characteristic.  That changes today! None of us are exempt from the stubborn gene. We inherit it, we […]

Gratitude List

Every Leader should have a gratitude list, comprising of the people and things we are grateful for. One of the key differentiators between ordinary and extraordinary leaders is gratitude. GREAT leaders are GRATEful. In Last week’s post (Giving Away of Oneself) , we talked about the giving part of Thanksgiving. This week we dive into […]

A Willingness to Better Others

Difference makers in local communities display the ability and willingness to better others and the worlds they live in. Everyone has the ABILITY TO, the key differentiator is WILLINGNESS. A select group of the willing are about to take the stage and assume their starring role in making their communities better. Their stage is the […]

No Rain, No Flowers

Where there is no rain, no flowers grow, pretty simple.  Water is a necessary nutrient for any plant to grow.  When it comes to certain varieties of plants, their flower sets them apart. My family and I are at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida this week.  Sometimes, I will head into writing days with no […]

Growing Tomatoes and People

The process of growing tomatoes and people have a lot in common. Yes, tomatoes and leadership! A gardener tends to the growth of plant, a leader tends to the growth of people. The intentions of a gardener and a leader are the same, growth of what they care for. There are nine and a half […]