There are eight qualities of human leaders that separate the ordinary ones from the extraordinary. Countless books, podcasts, videos, and articles are available on the subject of leadership. There is one key component to any leadership style…the human element.
When I think about amazing leaders I desire to emulate, I first think about the quality human beings they are. Early in my career, I had the privilege to be surrounded by great leaders. They were small business owners, pastors, elected officials, coaches, and educators.
These uniquely gifted people shared their wisdom and experiences with me over breakfasts, lunches, cups of coffee, and conference room tables. They all did what great leaders do, they saw more in me than I saw in myself. It was a choice they willingly made…to investment in me.
Here are eight common qualities of the human leaders who Interceded my journey:
Authentic and Genuine
Leaders who are good humans are authentic and genuine. Have you ever been around people who radiate these qualities? There are no hidden agendas, no ulterior motives, they are just uniquely them.
As leaders, we must seek to be authentically and genuinely…us. Our greatest Sustainable, Competitive Advantage is that we are uniquely wired, set apart from everyone else. There is incredible value to that. When all else fails in leadership, default to our authentic and genuine selves.
President John Quincy Adams once said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” Great leaders inspire others.
We can easily confuse inspiration for high energy motivative tactics. That may work for some, but simply showing a sincere interest in someone else’s well-being can inspire them, “to do more, become more.” Just a little spark of investment from a human leader in someone else can light a fire that cannot be extinguished.
Presence is an extremely valuable asset of a leader, but can be one of the hardest to achieve. Business, chaos, and circumstances can easily disconnect us from those we lead.
Think about a visitation for someone who has passed. It’s not the words that you say to the family that day, it is simply your presence that means the most to them. Our presence is powerful.
Presence is an intentional choice made by human leaders. It is unmistakably felt by those we lead.
Love and Care
We conduct Upward Feedbackon myself and our leadership team. I’ll spend a few minutes with the people that report to our upper-level leaders during evaluation season. The questions are relatively simple:
- What do you feel they do well as a leader?
- What do you feel they could improve upon as a leader?
- Do you feel that they love and care for you.
Technically, per job descriptions, questions one and two should be the most valuable feedback. For me, question three means everything. It’s the human element. If one of our leaders were to receive consistent negative feedback in that area, it would cause me great concern.
Loving and caring for people creates a connection greater than any employment agreement could. There is known science that suggests the human heart can be felt up to five feet away.
In leadership, the human heart can only be felt in presence.
There is a significant difference between sympathy and empathy. Sympathy requires us to actually have experienced what someone else is walking through.
Empathy is trying to get as close to understanding someone’s experiences without actually walking in their shoes. It requires extra-mile effort. That effort is felt at the core of those walking through a difficult or challenging season. Empathy could be the best tool available in a human leader’s toolbox to connect with those we lead.
Had a friend tell me once that, “Gratitude is never silent.” This was one of the best pieces of advice that I ever received.
When you think about it, we are grateful for our family, friends, and those we lead. But…do we ever speak it? Spoken gratitude could also be written. A handwritten note of gratitude goes a long way.
Whatever the form of communication, any form of gratitude can create a more significant human connection in leadership. Great leaders are grateful people.
Grace Givers
Too often, humans feel the need to condemn and criticize others. Bad humans stand on the pile of someone else’s carnage of mistakes, missteps, and misfortunes to elevate themselves.
Good humans serve as a foundation for others to stand on to rebound, recover, and be redeemed.
Every setback sets up a comeback. Grace is an undeserved gift a leader gives to others. Why is it so important for leaders to give grace? Because at some point, we will need the favor returned. We will fall short.
Intentionality is a lost art in the human species. We can haphazardly make someone’s day, stumbling across the right opportunity to do so. These moments are important, but when intentionality is applied, they become Unexpected Moments, Unforgettable Experiences.
People know when you have put thoughtfulness behind an act. Intentionality puts a deeper meaning behind it. Human leaders do not arrive at greatness by chance, they intentionally arrive at the destination. It’s where we planned to go in the first place.
The pandemic, supply chain issues, political incivility, labor shortages, and many other circumstances over the last five years have accelerated the need for human leadership. It has formed a gaping gap of leadership that only good people can fill.
Human Leadership is a skillset that our world desperately needs. People desire leaders who create solid human connections.
The recipe for human leadership is simple…be authentic and genuine, inspire, be present, love and care for others, be empathetic, express gratitude, and do it all intentionally. We are the binding ingredient that has the potential to bring it all together.
The world is in trouble when good people sit on the sidelines. Get in the game! Be known as a good human who just so happens to be a leader.